Monday 17 December 2012

Thursday 6 September 2012

Rosemary Lamb Chops with Grill Roasted Potatoes

We'll this dish was so good I was in such a hurry to chomp down on it that the photo is blurred!
Rosemary and garlic are my favorite ways to prepare lamb.  Next time I make it, I'll repost a better photo!

Saturday 30 June 2012

Pre Canada Day BBQ

My annual pre Canada day BBQ was another hit!  Deliciousoysters in the hundred count were professionally shucked by Geoff and in true cowboy style i did baked brown beans and 36 pounds of pulled pork.  the meat was slow cooked at 300F for almost 7 hours.  A giant bag of mesquite wood chips added a great smoky flavour.  The tangy sauce was excellent and I've had may guests ask for the recipie.  New BBQ delights from Real Grilling coming next year!

Saturday 12 May 2012

Rib Eye Steak with Mexican BBQ Sauce

It seems that culinary delights can be bartered for services!  My buddies Steve asnd Mark came over to share their high tech wizardry and  correct some computer problems for me.  In turn I grilled some great Rib steaks from my butcher and dressed them in a Mexican BBQ Sauce.  After finally finding Ancho chillies in Kensington I was able to make it.  man, this is different, tasty and not overpowering.  it was a hit!  Thanks again boyz for your techno help.  Keep the help desk open 24/7!

The 345 Bar!

Every Prep Station for a Grill needs a bar.  Here's my new one!

The New Prep Station for my Grill!

After over two months my main floor renos are complete!  Finally, a new prep station for my grill!

Monday 9 April 2012

Filet Mignon with lemon-parsley butter

  Lil Filet- dash o pimped up butta!
My prep station, still under construction has still alowed me to produced a couple of tasty sides.
Back in college, my buddy Tim, worked at Michaels on the Thames in London. ( great restaraunt)
20 years later, I came in for dinner and ther was Tim, making sidetable Ceasar salads!
Of course I had him prpare one for us.
Being  a buddy, he covertly slid the recipie to me under the table. I've enjoyed it  ever since.
Faining carb conciousness, I baked half a potato with all the fixins to compliment the tenerloin!

Smokey Sweet Baked Beans

Just when most have finished Easter dinner 2012, I felt a need to return to my brother's kitchen to have another spoonful of the baked beans Peggy had made.  much to my shagrin, my niece Brittany was putting them away.  Rats! Foiled again!
But today is a new day and I decided to satisfy my urge for the musical fruit by cooking the Smokey Sweet  Baked Baked Beans from the Weber "Real Grilling" bible.
While  slow cooking, I was speaking with my Pops, TJ who told me that my gran Stella who unfortunately passed when I was three, had a great baked bean recipie.
He imparted to me  her twist on a family favorite.. a lil bit of chopped green pepper.
I'll never make beans without it again.
My beans are now called Gramma Stella's Smokey Sweet Beans!

I Need a new Prep Station for my Grill!

You may or may not have noticed that I've been conspiciously absent from my grilling blog.
The reason for that is my grill prep station (a.k.a. Kitchen) has been demolished to the studs.
Coming soon is my new prep station with everything I need to maximize the power of  the grill! :)
I'll post the finished product upon completion.  In the meantime, I did manage to grill a couple new recipies for Real Grilling with Patrick coming to a monitor near you!

Sunday 19 February 2012

Texas Beef Ribs in Tomato-Jalepeno Sauce

Wow!  This recipie rocks!  I picked up beef rack ribs (not short ribs) from my favorite butcher: Royal Beef on the Danforth.  A giant rack and a half was 20 bucks and can feed a small army!  Tiffany and Christina acted as willing gineau pigs for the new dish and they loved it!  The total cooking time is about 2 hours, a quick sear, dropped into a delicious tomato-jalepeno sauce, covered and cooked for an hour, then uncovered and cooked for another hour.  This is a must have recipie.  I can't wait to make it again.

Monday 13 February 2012

Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Carrot Cake is absolutely one of my favorite cakes!  I've never made it before, let alone on the grill!
This is one killer recipie.  When done on the grill, the edges get a bit crispy and there is a smokey flavour infused that you just can't get in the oven.  I needed to cook this at an even 350F.  I preheated the grill and it went to 400F.  In a matter of less than a minute I was able to dial in the Weber to an even 350.  The control of a great grill ensures your results to be perfect, eliminating any guesswork alltogether.  There are many great desert to come so stay tuned!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Prime Rib with Garlic and Blue Cheese Sauce

This is a great way to do a prime rib.  There's basil, rosemary, garlic and dijon mustard in the coating and cooks for approx 11/2 hours for a 6 lb roast. Roasted potoatoes and carrots with garlic, cumin and curry finish off the country style meal.  The heavy cream and crumbled blue cheese in the sauce is decadent.  Really a delicious comfort food dinner.

Monday 23 January 2012

Giant T Bone Steak with Lone Star Rub

The cool thing about Real Grilling is that there are a zillion combinations of spices for rubs and ingredients for sauces.  The Lone Star rub has marjoram and cinnamon of all things.
The Weber CEP330 grill does the marking perfectly!
Time to get back to veggies and deserts and take a reprive from the protien I think!

Grilled Chicken and Red Onion Quesadillas

This photo is not great but the Quesadillas are!  4 Hours of marinating the chicken breats in a garlic cliantro pesto as well as grilled onions and Monteray Jack cheese. 

Thursday 19 January 2012

Chicken Under Bricks with BBQ Dipping Sauce

After butterflying the whole chicken, a simple rub was applied.  Rather than using bricks covered in tinfil, I used a cookie sheet with the weight of a cast iron pan to flatten it so that as much of the chicken as possible is in contact with  the grill.  About 40 mins on indirect medium heat with do itg.

Eggplant with Spicy Asian Dressing

Since they were sold out of eggplant, I decided to use the mini eggplants.  Of course I hit it with some extra chillies as usual!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

BBQ Spare Ribs with Apple Cider Mop

Part two of the rib extravaganza.  To get away from the traditional sauces, this apple cider mop is a winner.  The dry rub with oregano, thyme, and chile, to name a few gives the ribs a depth of flavour that is accented by the apple cider mop.  I like to slow cook ribs at 275F for about 3 hours.  I never boiul the ribs and always remopve the silverslin on the backside of the ribs with a flathead screwdriver.  This allows the rub and sauce to be absorbed and prevents"curling" when on the grill.

Big Daddy's Ribs

Although this recipie is not in the Real Grilling Book, I wanted to post it anyway!  I applied my secret signature dryrub and sauce. To compare opn the same evening, for my buddy Daniel, I cooked two different styles of slow cooked ribs.  My Big Daddy Ribs and the Apple Cider Mop ribs.
When you prepare a meal for someone, it's extra rewarding when they say, like Daniel offered, " These are probably the best ribs I've ever had" (You know it!)

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Leg of Lamb with Roasted Garlic and Mint

It's been a while since I did lamb on the grill.  This recipie with roasted garlic, rosemary and mint is fast and easy with no marinating time required.  I always use a meat thermometer with lamb and cook the internal temperature to about 140 and let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes.