Monday 14 November 2011

Grilled Veal Chops with Red Pepper Sauce

Well, another perfect night to be grilling!  By that I mean, now it's getting dark at 5 pm and it was pouring rain.
  Somehow, some way, grilling in the rain, sleet, and snow makes it almost as fun as grillin in the sun.
(perception is everything isn't it:)
To be true, I'm really not a huge fan of veal.  Not due to it's flavour but it's more to do with the treatment of the animal.
But being an animal lover hasn't deterred me from seeing the inscissor teeth in the mouths of fellow humans and realizing that defenceless cattle eat grass and produce fantastic meat; are part of the food chain.
Enough of my blabbering, and with that finally said, I completed this recipie as I will do all the others.
( I think I should start tackling some of the desserts on the grill)

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