Friday 25 November 2011

Island Grillin!

Here's a shot of yours Truly grillin on Toronto Island this summer with Jordy's portable grill.  It was a departure party for Mad Dog Harry.  I grilled corn on the cob and two massive tri-tips.  It was cooked to a perfect medium rare and it fed eight crazy vermin (my buddies)
Cut against the grain, it was a feeding frenzy:  Good times!

Herb Crusted Prime Rib with red wine sauce

Since I was having dinner alone I purchased a small 1.85 kg prime rib roast.  To me, it appeared to be a small rib steak!  The grillin on this is very easy.  Medium indirect heat till it's perfect.
I have no problems using a meat thermometer, and at 145 F and 10 minutes of resting in a tinfoil tent it turns out perfect.  The crust is a mixture of herbs used in French cuisine called Herbes de Provence.
It's a blend of  dried herbs and sometimes lavender flowers.  They are not used in the south of France or anywhere near me!  I may be starting to mature, but Im not an old lady!  No lavender here please!
The sauce is the tricky part and you need to read entire recipies before just starting.
There was no marinading required but cooking down the sauce takes nearly two hours!
The roast (steak) was scrumptious.  The flavours were very unique.
I did however have the dipping sauce, horseradish (for the roast part) and blue cheese (for the steak:)!

Lookin for Scraps!

Here's a lil friend sniffin out the good stuff! You should see what else a good grillin n chillin evening attracts!

Crazy Spices!

Mr Organization decided to get a few of his important spices sorted out.  There's zillions more but the containers and labels aren't nearly as cool!

My all time favorite chef

A brief respite from the grillin.
This is my all time favorite chef. My mom, Dureen Stark Sheahan.  She passed us all Nov 21st.
She was always very quick.  xo

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Four Roses Bourbon

You don't think I really used that much bourbon for a single rib steak?? Of course not, the parrots were into the golden libation!  My good buddy Risky Pingers Pete introduced me to Four Roses Bourbon.  ( I arrived at his house late and there was only one or two doses left for me)  Needless to say I carried on the evening solo!  Good stuff though, and it works great in the marinade for what I now call my "Four Roses Rib Steak"

Bourbon Barbequed Rib Steak

What can you say?  Beef and Bourbon...yes please!  I chose this recipie tonight because it's a quick 2 hour marinade and I'm painting the rental unit in my house!  But I did want to highlight this quick and easy recipie.This choice cut comes from my local and favorite butcher, Royal Beef  on the Danforth in Toronto.
Carmen and Shamus and the crew offer sixto eight week aged beef and loads of other deli goodies.
Check them out at

Monday 14 November 2011

My Dad can BBQ Better than Yours!

As a kid growing up, my pop TJ was the grillmaster.  It was always a treat when TJ grilled.  And, damn he was, and sure is good at it!  Hopefully he and his girl Peggy will  come over and I'll relinquish control of my grill and he can show me a few old school bbq tricks again soon!
As a boy, we all said, "my  dad is tougher thans yours"," my dad can bbq better than yours!"  Time has shown me that my youthful position was correct on both counts!
Love that Irishman TJ.

Grilled Veal Chops with Red Pepper Sauce

Well, another perfect night to be grilling!  By that I mean, now it's getting dark at 5 pm and it was pouring rain.
  Somehow, some way, grilling in the rain, sleet, and snow makes it almost as fun as grillin in the sun.
(perception is everything isn't it:)
To be true, I'm really not a huge fan of veal.  Not due to it's flavour but it's more to do with the treatment of the animal.
But being an animal lover hasn't deterred me from seeing the inscissor teeth in the mouths of fellow humans and realizing that defenceless cattle eat grass and produce fantastic meat; are part of the food chain.
Enough of my blabbering, and with that finally said, I completed this recipie as I will do all the others.
( I think I should start tackling some of the desserts on the grill)

Love to your Wood

A few years ago, my friend Nathalie who is an awesome trained chef who has won some awards, clued me in to giving some love to your wood.  Wood Cutting Board!!!!!  Like any wood, it needs moisture and care, and thanks to her I'm sure I'll get many more years of life from my favorite cutting board.
  As an aside, Nathalie is kicking some butt in the culinary world!

Saturday 12 November 2011

Barcelona Chicken

This is a tasty recipie that takes no time at all, other than letting the marinade do it's thing for 6 hours.  as usual, I hit it with a little more chilli than the recipie requires.  I used an entire chicken that was cut into pieces, remember, the thighs and wings cook faster.  Using indirect medium heat for about a half an hour then a quick sear for carmelization does it.  Years ago I always cooked chicken withtoo much heat and constantly fiddled with it until it was either burnt or the skin was vaporized completely!  The beauty of my Weber grill is the unbelievable contraol I have over the temperature.  I can literally dial in the exact temperature required for each recipie. 

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Skillet Cornbread with Bacon and Chives

I recently went to dinner with my lovely lady Tiffany. The Cajon restaraunt is called Southern Accents and the meal was great.  Their conbread was delicious and a few weeks later she asked if I could make some. Voila!  Skillet Cornbread with bacon and chives right from the grill.  Super easy and fresh, home made bread!  The weather is getting colder, but my grill and my girl are hot! Winter BBQ's are rightcheous!

Friday 4 November 2011

The Deck for Chillin after Grillin!

Thanks to my buddy and contactor extrodinaire, Doug "Chuggz" Boyle, who allowed me to strongly supervise the construction of his handywork!
The site of my new annual pre-Canada Day open house and BBQ!

The Weber CEP 330

This is where the gout starts! Lol!

Shrimp and Mango Salad with Spicy Thai Dressing

Having spent a few months for a few years in Thailand, I was looking forward to this one.
Of course I ramped up the serrano chilies severely, cut back on the soya sauce, and hit a spritz of lime!
As you may know, my Muai Thai and Hap Ki-Do, has taken a far back seat to grillin and drummin!

The Inspiration for my blog title: Real Grilling with Patrick

What I consider to be the bible of grilling!

Cilantro Pesto Chicken Tenders

This recipie calls for marinating for a couple of hours, however, I needed my weekly suicide chicken wing fix with the boyz after basketball, so they marinanted for 24 hours.  I always go old school, no food processor for me, always a mortar and pestle!