Saturday 12 May 2012

Rib Eye Steak with Mexican BBQ Sauce

It seems that culinary delights can be bartered for services!  My buddies Steve asnd Mark came over to share their high tech wizardry and  correct some computer problems for me.  In turn I grilled some great Rib steaks from my butcher and dressed them in a Mexican BBQ Sauce.  After finally finding Ancho chillies in Kensington I was able to make it.  man, this is different, tasty and not overpowering.  it was a hit!  Thanks again boyz for your techno help.  Keep the help desk open 24/7!

The 345 Bar!

Every Prep Station for a Grill needs a bar.  Here's my new one!

The New Prep Station for my Grill!

After over two months my main floor renos are complete!  Finally, a new prep station for my grill!